Monday, November 11, 2013

My post today on the Washington Times..


You have four choices in 2016. As it stands right now the fix is in......Hillary, Christie, third party or stay home....

Both of these people will have unlimited money. They will both be savaged by the media and will come out of the primaries roaring. No one else will have any money!

Hillary is an historical figure that the hard left. of whom many  stayed home for Obama (he got 9 million less votes against Romney in 2012 than in '08) will be digging up graves and busing  illegals to Hell and back to get her in there...She is their dream candidate the first woman president after giving the nutty blacks on the left, Obama.

Paybacks for their lives of dedicated efforts to make America look like them. Everybody gets free stuff because they are human and vote left! (Just go to their sites and read their agenda..)

Over the next 2 years she lays low and plays coy as  all her warts and crimes will be ignored, explained and apologized for, then, since nothing new to discuss about her, the media go after the "crazy T-Baggers" and their loony theories of Benghazi, Whitewater, Travel-gate, health-care gate,Vince Foster's mysterious death, File-gate, Cattle-futures gate, Billings-records gate etc. etc.and my favorite,.... she stole the silverware from the White House.....

And you bad mouth the fat guy who looks like a right-wing slobbering nut compared to her!

Pick a candidate, vote in the primary for your guy then we have to vote against Hillary no matter who wins! And  If the right loses Congress and can't  stop amnesty with either of these people in the White House the Republicans will be a minority for decades.....

Remember, her husband won two elections with the most of these same scandals and worse. Obama, a guy raised and nurtured by Marxist, a fellow who never had a position of responsibility (it shows) and unlike Hillary, clueless of how Washington works, can win two elections what makes you so sure she is not unstoppable at this point?

Stay tuned....

Molon Labe....

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