Thursday, November 17, 2005

Multiblogging with wordpress finale

     Now that we have created a bunch of blogs, we need a way of managing them. This means we need to download a blogging client. These programs, properly set up will allow us to type, edit,  post, with categories,  from our desktop instead of opening all these wordpress editors.
     The first one I recommend is  Qumana. Qumana has a great interface, is free and works very well with wordpress. If you like, you can sign up with them and earn income through their ad program.
      Here's how to set it up :
  1. Download and install to your desktop and open the editor
  2. This opens the publishing manager. Simply type in your url example: click.
  3. Type in server, host, endpoint. Mine looks like this: wordpress          /xmlrpc.php
  4. Click and enter the login + password  you use for wordpress (example: admin mypassword)
  5. click
  6. Open the posting menu, then configure, click new. this takes you back to auto configure
  7. Type in your second url . Mine looks like this:
  8. repeat  step 3, 4, 5
  9. Do as many as you need. All blogs will show up in the drop down folder (next to the envelope gif in the top menu.
  10. Happy multiblogging!

A couple more clients you can use are: and

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