Thursday, November 10, 2005

Gas lines got you down? What do you expect!

Only in Washington could Republicans sabotage our efforts to become oil independant from OPEC. Give me a break. You have to read the whole sorry excuse:
House Shelves Alaska Drilling in Budget Fight - New York Times WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 - House Republican leaders were forced to jettison a plan for oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska on Wednesday night to save a sweeping spending bill, a concession that came one day after the party suffered significant election loses. In dropping the drilling plan and a second provision, on coastal exploration, the leadership was trying to win over moderates in the party to enhance the chances of winning initial approval on Thursday of more than $50 billion in spending cuts demanded by House conservatives. But the decision is likely to meet objections from the Senate, where senior lawmakers are insisting on the drilling plan, a priority for President Bush.

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