Saturday, April 02, 2011

Tell me again there's a difference between Republicans and Dems.....

I really don't care if Oba mama takes out any of these assholes because we buy and sell these clowns everyday. I remember Marcos, the Shah, Noriega, Torrillos, Husein, and Mubarak just to name a few off the top of my head that we also took out. And we will probably have to take out their successors. What else is new or will change?

But where are all the antiwar-protests? LOL.

I see leftist defending Oba mama's decision to take Qaddafi out which means as I've benn telling people, $5 gas. Not exactly conducive to reelection campaigning next year, right?

Obama’s War « Blog
Obama is making the Libyan War his own, step by step. Beyond Operation Odyssey Dawn, there are reports of covert CIA agents in Libya. This was to be expected. See here, here, and here. Obama committed his prestige over four weeks ago when he demanded that Gaddafi resign. After that, he could not turn back without a loss of standing. Under cover of the fog of war and confusion, Obama has considerable latitude to expand the U.S. presence inside Libya.

The reasons for Obama’s War are evident. It was in late February that he demanded that Gaddafi go (about Feb. 27). This occurred because Gaddafi was winning, was near Benghazi, and was making threats (about Feb. 23) on the rebels, oil pipelines, outside interferers, and linking them to Al Qaeda. See here. The latter reports “He accused the Cyrenaicans to his east of conspiring to establish an Al Qaeda emirate that would bring the Americans over and create the same situation in Libya as in Afghanistan and Pakistan.” Not a bad prediction, as some evidence of this has been reported. His threats against the rebels may have been designed to scare them off and induce them to abandon Benghazi, not necessarily as a threat to kill civilians for the sake of a massacre, as Obama suggested. Threats are part and parcel of making war as is killing. Obama as emperor-in chief could not sit idly by and countenance his power being threatened when a once-cooperative provincial chief like Gaddafi made highly vocal threats against the West, especially while Obama was trying to get on top of the North African and Middle Eastern rebellions.

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