Thursday, April 21, 2011

Only one solution for business to solve this problem...

Move offshore!

That is if you can't buy enough politicians. I always remind people of Microsoft's crimes under the Clinton gang's persecution. Unfortunately for Bill Gates, a liberal Dem, he was accused of monopoly and price fixing etc.(  he gave money to the Repubs.)

Anyways the case was in court for years until, SURPRISE, Bush won and dropped the case!

(Did I tell you he gave money to the Repubs!) LOL.

All Pricing Is Criminal « Blog
In his book, The Language of Dissent, former Federal Trade Commissioner, Lowell Mason, went to great lengths to point out how, under the various antitrust laws, if a firm charges a higher price than its competitors it is a “monopoly per se” (i.e., in a competitive market, one could not get away with this practice); if a firm charges a lower price than its competitors, it is engaged in “predatory pricing” (i.e., the only reason for pricing beneath the level of your competition was to drive them out of business); and if a firm charges the same price as its competitors, it is engaged in “price-fixing.” Mason gave a talk to a business group at which he brought this out. A member of his audience commented that the government had charged his firm with all three violations!

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