Sunday, April 17, 2011

Somebody call Reid's office.....

How else would this idiot get elected. That and Casino money. Hey, it worked for the gang in Nevada in getting online poker outlawed.

 Next thing they'll outlaw is breathing then they can really make a killing!

VADUM: Obama's favorite gangsters convicted again - Washington Times
ACORN pleaded guilty to unlawful “compensation” for registration of voters, a felony under Nevada law. The plea came after senior ACORN executives Amy Adele Busefink and Christopher Howell Edwards were convicted of providing cash bonuses to voter-registration canvassers for exceeding daily registration quotas. Campaign workers received cash if they registered 21 voters or more. Fittingly, the Las Vegas-based program was called Blackjack.

Mr. Mouse, Ms. Poppins and various celebrities living and dead have been registered to vote over and over again precisely because ACORN has been allowed to get away with polluting the nation’s voter rolls for so long.

Significantly, this is the first time ACORN itself, as opposed to its individual employees, has been convicted of a crime. The fact that the nonprofit entity was found guilty strongly suggests that ACORN’s

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