Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Well I'm convinced....

If our dear leader said it happened this way (or maybe this way over here, no wait this is how it happened... No it really happened this way.. no wait!...) by God then it must be true because everybody knows our presidents never lie to us! That goat fucker is dead and that's all there is to it.

Of course, we've been told that every year or so for the last7 or 8 years but you know how Bush was always lying, right, and Democrat presidents never lie (except to get elected and stay in office!)

Then again, Oba mama's left wing nuts are calling him a liar, but who's going to listen to them. They voted for him and will do so again because nobody in the right mind would vote for a lying Republican president who would keep us in Afghanistan, Iraq, Gitmo, Libya, military tribunals, triple the budget deficit, controlling the borders with Mexico and give the gangsters druggies guns, not punish banksters, take over GM, universal health care for all, supposedly lying about killing Osama but refusing to release pictures and conveniently throwing him into the ocean.... need more?

P.s no one ever said these voters  aren't brain dead, did they?

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