Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Obama throws Israel under the bus.....

Don't worry the Jews will still give him their money. After all, he's the only Democrat who can veto the evil Republicans cutting handouts.

Speaking of which, I'm told now that 59% of American get a check from the Feds. Still waiting for budget cuts?

 Yea, right!

Obama's speech doesn't sway some key donors - Washington Times
President Obama failed to ease mounting worries of key Jewish donors Sunday at a speech before the annual policy conference for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Steve Rosen, a former director of foreign policy for AIPAC, said, “the president’s decision to confront Israel’s prime minister in this visit is going to deepen the feeling that Obama will continue to put the U.S.-Israeli relationship in peril. Pro-Israel donors who have been on hold until now will accelerate the search for an alternative to Obama.”

Two such donors who asked not to be named said the president’s speech failed to ease concerns about the lack of trust between the governments of Israel and the United States.

“The speech presented a wonderful opportunity to correct attitudes the White House and supporters of the president believe are misperceptions,” another Jewish community leader told The Washington Times.

“The ball came right over the home plate. He swung hard, but it lined out foul,” said the donor, a prominent Jewish community leader.

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