Saturday, March 26, 2011

Get rid of these business taxes!.....

Sounds strange but true. Taxing corporations means they have incentive to bribe the government big time. Eliminate them and the jobs come back and the corruption level drops. You give campaign contributions to get something from politicians. Like tax exemptions which fuck over your competition.

Most Marxist realize this but they're on the "punish the rich" kick. The average guy thinks they can get government to do something about the rot by voting for the right politicians.

That's why they're paying all the taxes that the corrupt gangsters pass on to them and the jobs are going to China!

♫ GE, We Bring Good Lobbying to Congress ♫ « Blog
The New World Order/One World Government’s premier corporation, General Electric, paid ZERO corporate income taxes for 2010. Obviously I’m thrilled when any individual or the company of individuals doesn’t pay taxes/robbery to Government Almighty. But it’s a bit rich (pun intended) when every working stiff in the United States has to cough up a nice chunk of change from his or her personal income to Government Almighty while one of the biggest corporations in the world somehow is able to finagle its way out of that displeasure completely. (By the way, the article mentions how “small” government, “lower” taxes Ronbo Reagan made sure to get rid of a tax loophole when he was Puppet-in-Chief so that GE had to pay more taxes/robbery to Government Almighty back then. I guess Ronbo didn’t get the memo.)

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