Saturday, March 05, 2011

Drill baby drill.......

Want the country to survive the Depression? Quit giving our money away to people who want us dead.

Yeah, I know, rocket science!

Why are oil prices going up? Simple. Oba mama is borrowing 1500 billion dollars every year. That money will come mostly from  oil producers. The oil producers lost their ass a couple of years ago when the world economy collapsed and oil prices crashed and now their citizens are revolting because of the depression setting in. There is not enough money coming in to pay off the natives and buy our bonds.

So, they raise the price of oil just like they did in the 70's to buy weapons so they could invade Israel in '72.  Now these gangsters are on the run and need to buy an awful lot of protection from their armies and from our military.

RAHN: Deliberately making Americans poorer - Washington Times
The Obama administration’s policies are causing Americans to pay far more for gasoline and other fuels than necessary. America is awash in fossil-fuel energy sources with almost 30 percent of the world’s coal and 80 percent of the world’s oil shale - which contains an estimated three times the recoverable oil reserves of Saudi Arabia. Canada, with its oil sands, has the world’s third-highest oil reserves, after the United States and Saudi Arabia. New technologies that enable low-cost natural gas production from shale mean that many countries, including the United States, will have gas for centuries at current production rates.

Fossil fuels at some prices are interchangeable. Coal, gas and oil can all fuel electric power plants. Liquid motor fuels can be made easily from natural gas, and, in fact, many auto, truck and bus fleets already use natural gas. For more than 70 years, the technology has been available to turn coal into liquid motor fuel.

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