Friday, November 20, 2009

Even CNN can't pass the buck......

Economy has nothing to do with government budgets in the long run. But governments budgets take money from productive activities and gives the money to pay  for votes. But voters have short memories and refuse to stay bought.

Need to educate your children? Government has money for that. Need a loan for a house..... Yep got that. Pay for your insurance for your smoking habit, no problem. Baby sitter, free food, right on. Lose your job, hate Moslems, want to control the seven seas? You name it, we got it.

As long as we can borrow the money . As long as the taxes come in. But what happens if everybody says....Fuck it, stick it up your ass.

Maybe we'll find out. Nah!!

 CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll: Blame for recession shifting from GOP to Democrats « - Blogs from
Washington (CNN) - Nearly two years into the recession, opinion about which political party is responsible for the severe economic downturn is shifting, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday morning indicates that 38 percent of the public blames Republicans for the country's current economic problems. That's down 15 points from May, when 53 percent blamed the GOP. According to the poll 27 percent now blame the Democrats for the recession, up 6 points from May. Twenty-seven percent now say both parties are responsible for the economic mess.

"The bad news for the Democrats is that the number of Americans who hold the GOP exclusively responsible for the recession has been steadily falling by about two to three points per month," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "At that rate, only a handful of voters will blame the economy on the Republicans by the time next year's midterm elections roll around."

Thirty-six percent of people questioned say that President Barack Obama's policies have improved economic conditions, with 28 percent feeling that the president's programs have made things worse, and 35 percent saying what he's done has had no effect on the economy.

One reason for that, says Holland, may be the growing federal budget deficit: Two-thirds say that the government should balance the budget even in a time of war and recession.

The survey indicates that only 18 percent say the economic conditions in the country today are good, down 3 points from August. Eighty-two percent say economic conditions are poor.

"Some economic indicators may suggest that the economy has turned the corner - but try telling that to the American people," adds Holland. The number of Americans who say that the economy is in good shape - a number that grew steadily through the spring and summer - has now stalled, with fewer than one in five expressing a positive view of current conditions. More than eight in 10 say that economic conditions are in poor shape, with 43 percent calling them very poor.

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