Sunday, March 29, 2009

Do as I say?.....

The elite are not going to be denied. They will make out just fine after the government screws us over to protect the powerful who bribe their way through life.

Any company or person who gets in their way will be knocked down. Martha Stewart, Bill Gates, Newt Gingrich, and Peter Schiff's father, Irvine, just to name a few.

But the biggest target is good old Walmart. This company plays the game too well. giving the customer what it wants and getting local governments to subsidize them to do so. Paying just enough in wages to keep us there and offering practically life time employment.

When is the last time you heard that from a "Union shop?"()Heh heh. Blog: A Sure Bet!

A Sure Bet!
Posted by Butler Shaffer at March 29, 2009 12:59 PM

I am willing to bet that the politicos, academics, and other self-styled "experts" who continue to deride Peter Schiff as a "kook," nonetheless follow his advice in making their own investment decisions. Like the elitists who want to ban gun ownership for ordinary people - while insisting upon it for important persons such as themselves - or who oppose private schools for others - but not for their own children - the institutionalization of the double standard is essential to members of the power structure.

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