Sunday, March 04, 2012

Apologise for what?.....

Unmarried women who can't get their dates to pay for rubbers or a couple of dollars a month for the pill?

Why should you or I or any other taxpayer pay for it if we ain't getting any?

Limbaugh apologizes for making slurs about Georgetown student - Washington Times
Rush Limbaugh apologized Saturday for sexual slurs he made on the air about a Georgetown student who has become a public advocate for President Obama’s new contraception coverage mandate.

Earlier this week he called Sandra Fluke, a third-year law student, a “slut” and a “prostitute” for testifying before Congress that employers should cover contraception, accusing her of wanting to “be paid to have sex” and even suggesting she should post sex videos online in return.

The comments sparked outrage and fed political tensions between Republicans and Democrats over the issue, prompting President Obama to call Ms. Fluke on Friday to thank her for speaking out. While Mr. Limbaugh had initially doubled down on his comments, he posted an apology on his website on Saturday, saying he didn’t mean to personally attack Ms. Fluke

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