Friday, November 12, 2010

Did you ever see the tv movie Shogun......

Looks to me like a dead ringer for the conflict going on today amongst the rich who own our government. Undertsanding the Murdoch-Koch Alliance
The first shot against George Soros in the War of the Oligrachs was fired by foot soldier Glenn Beck of Rupert Murdoch owned FOX.

A friend reminds me that Murdoch was for some time on the board of the Koch controlled Cato Institute. A number of Murdoch's foot soldiers attended the 2009 secret meeting held by Koch Industries. Beck was there as was FOX's Michael Barone and Steven Moore, member of the editorial board of the Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal.

Koch-Murdoch versus Soros, will make the Hatfields and McCoy's look like a lawn party. Order lots of popcorn.

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