Friday, June 04, 2010

No rot here.....

Just criminal behavior as usual. Won't change so why report it?

By the way, do you think anybody gives a shit if Oba mama tours the Gulf Coast?

Report: More than 1,400 former lawmakers, Hill staffers are financial lobbyists
Even for Washington, the revolving door between government and Wall Street spins at a dizzying pace. More than 1,400 former members of Congress, Capitol Hill staffers or federal employees registered as lobbyists on behalf of the financial services sector since the start of 2009, according to an exhaustive new study issued Thursday.

The analysis by two nonpartisan groups, Public Citizen and the Center for Responsive Politics, found that the "small army" of financial lobbyists included at least 73 former lawmakers and 148 ex-staffers connected to the House or Senate banking committees. More than 40 former Treasury Department employees also ply their trade as lobbyists for Wall Street firms, the study found.

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