Saturday, May 16, 2009

Got ta love free trade......

I get a lot of hassels or strange quizzical looks when I bring this up. You pay for cheap imports.

With your standard of living. A country that creates nothing becomes nothing.


The big government guys will steal your children's lunch to take care of their own.

Want another example? Imagine the union worker who voted for this!:

The American Spectator : Outsourcing the Bailout

GM will be given billions of taxpayer dollars, courtesy of President Obama and his "car czar" -- and encouraged to use this money to build new plants (and create new jobs) not here in the USA but in countries like China and Mexico.

GM's "restructuring plan" -- the details of which are just beginning to leak out -- projects an increase of almost 10 percent in overseas production (23.5 percent vs. the current 15.5 percent) over the next four years, with more to come later.

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