Sunday, April 12, 2009

It don't get no worse than this...

Heh heh.

It's over.

When we are upstaged by the fucking French!!!

Of course the pirates have to die. Until next time.
China Confidential: Faced with Piracy, French Summon Spirit of Foreign Legion while America Seems Dazed and Confused

Sacre bleu!

The French have rescued their hostages from a band of brazen, African Muslim pirates while the American Navy seems helpless and confused.

Never again will Americans be able to ridicule the French in military matters. The gallant spirit of the Foreign Legion seems to be alive and well in Paris; the philosophy of appeasement, in Washington.

The appeaser-in-chief, Barack Hussein Obama, appears unmoved by the crisis, which, as China Confidential observed yesterday, is one of three American hostage situations currently playing out across the globe

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