Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's back!.......

If it ain't one piece of irrelevant bullshit it's another.

I guess we'll just have to die before the planet does. (Sigh).

Uh, duh!!

Ozone Layer Faces Bumpy Return to Health : Discovery News

April 23, 2009 -- The Earth's ailing ozone layer will probably recover, but it will never look exactly like it used to.

That is the conclusion of a new study, which found that greenhouse gasses are interfering with ozone's rebound in complicated ways. The study predicts a patchy future for the ozone layer, with some sections becoming even thicker than they were before bans on ozone-damaging chemicals kicked in. Other sections, meanwhile, may remain sparse.

"This shows that greenhouse gas increases could have some surprising effects on ozone," said Feng Li, an atmosheric scientist at NASA's Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center in Greenbelt, Md.

The ozone layer lies in the stratosphere, the region of the atmosphere that stretches from about 10 miles to 30 miles above the planet's surface.

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