Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Back on line.....

Nothing worse than a Dell computer. I'm going to build another box because these type of computers can't be upgraded. I gave the last one I built to Jeremy (my son) so he could build me a new website and took this piece of shit home with me because it was trashed by a virus. I saved it by installing Linux on it then installed a fresh copy($200)of Windows. last week I set up a tv card with Mandriva Linux and lost Windows. Reinstall meant I had to download new drivers at Jeremy's house . Dial up!!!! Jesus , all night. Get with the 21 century boy.

Any way I bought a new tv card (Hauppauge tv 150 usb2) Works great except when I record. On play back no sound. Probably the integrated sound card. To rub it in I bought a video card to use thinking it would improve the picture. Won't fit. Back to the store shortly for a new computer. Dell sucks.

Found this the other day:
David Horowitz: "It is true that Vietnam eventually became a trading partner ('friend' is another matter). But this was not 'once we left and quit bombing its people.' Before that took place, a Republican President confronted the Soviet Union in Europe and Afghanistan and forced the collapse of the Soviet empire. It was only then, after the Cold War enemy and support of the Vietnamese Communists had been defeated that they accommodated themselves to co-existence with the United States.

The 'blame America first' mentality so manifest in this McGovern statement is endemic to the appeasement mentality that the progressive Senator so typifies: 'Iraq has been nestled along the Tigris and Euphrates for 6,000 years. It will be there 6,000 more whether we stay or leave, as earlier conquerors learned.' In McGovern's Alice-in-Wonderland universe, Iraq did not invade two countries, use chemical weapons on its Kurdish population, attempt to assassinate a U.S. president, spend tens of billions of dollars on banned weapons programs, aid and abet Islamic terrorists bent on destroying the West, and defy 17 UN resolutions to disarm itself, open its borders to UN inspectors, and adhere to the terms of the UN truce it had signed when its aggression in Kuwait was thwarted."

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