Monday, October 18, 2010

Expect the stock market to do well....

Time to get back in.

All kinds of money will come back to stocks as the Fed cranks up the printing presses. Also the debt moratorium (foreclosure gate) is in full swing as the banks will stop taking homes from the unemployed and dead beats. The government is giving these people money to stay and take care of the place until they can be sold. The empty houses will have to be unloaded en mass.

Took long enough!

Expect the Republicans to get with Oba mama and straighten most of this out. Making an attempt to bring government spending under control will go a long way to restore confidence. Of course nothing really will change.

The geezers are going to get another  raise in Social Security as that's a pretty cheap and easy way to buy votes.

I'm still calling for the gangsters to send us that check. LOL

Economy In Trouble: Could A Dollar Crash Be Coming Soon? | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog
It’s official. The economy is in trouble. The Fed seems to be hitting the panic button and is sending numerous clear signals that it will print more money to push up the economy. The Fed has already printed $1.7 trillion to buy mortgage-backed securities in the past year or so. New money printing (Quantitative Easing) will be done to buy U.S. Treasuries, or America’s own debt. This, in turn, will supposedly reduce interest rates even further into record low territory and, thus, spur economic activity. The clearest signal of more money printing came last Friday from the Fed Chief himself, “There would appear — all else being equal — to be a case for further action,” according to the Associated Press. (Click here for the complete AP story.)

Other Fed officials are, also, in favor of pouring gas on the smoldering economic fire that is the U.S. economy. According to a Reuters story over the weekend, at least two Fed Presidents are giving a green light to print more greenbacks. Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren and Chicago Fed President Charles Evans spoke at the same event in Massachusetts, and both gave their reasons why aggressive measures by the central bank were needed now. Fed President Rosengren was especially dire in his plea for QE, “Insuring against the risk of deflation may be much cheaper than waiting until it has occurred and then trying to address it. A gradual response may not be as effective as a more active response to arrest deflationary pressures before they become embedded in thinking that can affect household and business spending,” Rosengren said.

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