Friday, August 20, 2010

Poor bankers......

Some of these guys would have to find honest jobs. Until then, best thing to do is join a credit union and quit doing business with them. Credit unions have everything banks have except criminals in charge.

I know my loan officer personally and he can't wait to lend me more money at 4 percent or so. As for the big banking gangsters they don't get much from me now and less in the future.

Fuck em. Fuck em good.

Daily Digest 8/18 - Texas Seeking Food Stamp Workers, Fed Buys Treasuries, Oil Droplets Still Speckle Gulf Floor - Blogs at Chris Martenson
The Obama administration invited banking executives Tuesday to offer advice on changing the government's role in backing the mortgage market. While they disagreed on the exact level of support needed, the group overwhelmingly advocated the government should maintain a large role in the $11 trillion market.

If the government pulled out, executives said, millions of Americans wouldn't be able to convince banks to take the risk of giving them home loans. Ending government support could lead to a spike in mortgage rates. That could deter many from buying homes, and banks, mortgage lenders and Realtors would lose money over time.

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