Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Government needs to grow.....

I think the government will eventually implode because everyone will be working for them or in jail and be unable to support all these programs. Especially the growth industry called crime. More and more tv shows are showing prison real life drama and makes you wonder where it will end. See what the libertarians have to say:
In a cruel twist of fate, by the 1960s the antidrug campaign had become a huge industry. There were people who benefitted from it despite the fact that it is illegal and was ruining millions of lives.” “Who benefits from it?” Dave asked. “The livelihoods of police, bureaucrats, judges, lawyers, and many others depend on drugs being illegal and remaining illegal. And, like many other industries, the drug prohibition industry is a growth industry; it grows by making more and more laws which are increasingly pervasive and harsher and have less constitutional basis.”

The coming American dictatorship by John Silveira Issue #66

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