Monday, April 17, 2006

I am crushing limit players playing no-limit on line.......

Poker is always better when your opponents are playing the wrong game. In low buy-in no- limit tournaments you find players, especially limit players, calling and betting the minimum like they play in limit tourneys. All you have to do is watch a few of these and you'll see what I mean.

Trust me there is a big difference in the two.For instance, playing in first position with anything less than ace big, suited cards or pairs. Even though they are not used to being raised, this is what you do to beat them up. If you are simply patient the cards will come to make them pay for this error. You would think that it would dawn on them that this is disasterous play, some do. However, most do it because in limit games or with ineperienced opponents, it doesn't cost much to see a flop. Unless I am in the hand , late position with good cards, I raise the size of the pot.. If I play this hand (bluff) in early position I bet the pot, then bet the flop. If I am wrong, I fold to strength (all in). I pick up a lot of small pots this way and occasionally I catch the nuts and double up, helping me get to the money.

P.s. most people who play these tourneys on line play the same for money or fun. In that case play for fun online then beat them live at your local casino. You'll see what I mean. Many people read a book or two on poker and run to the casino and get slaughtered. In small stakes mult-table no limit games these people go nuts and will not fold to minimum bets let alone your raises. They also get big pot-itis The bigger the pot the bigger the greed. These can become all in contest and if you have the cards you make money fast. Besides for $30 or $40 bucks and a thousand dollar or so pay off it's a lot of fun. Reread this article to see how to crush them. chip count (328, 874) and counting. in first session, (3000), Partpoker, (78000). (17,689) in four sessions

You get the idea

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