Sunday, February 06, 2005

"In the words of the Tao Ti Ching, 'If you aren't afraid of dying there is nothing you can't achieve.'"

Improve your game daily by reading about the game of Poker a little bit each day: "Successful Betting

A bet is a declaration that either a) 'I have the best hand and I'll wager money on it' or b) 'You have a poor hand, and you will fold if you are forced to wager on it'.

Typically, players are supposed to bet when they have a good hand. Players who don't have good hands are supposed to fold. Of course, if it was this simple, there would be no need for this page. You might as well wager on Tic-Tac-Toe. Most players play contrary to this idea, attempting to be a cunning or deceptive player. Don't fall into this trap when you are just learning to play.

Your betting strategy should be built upon this simple idea, but you must know when to stray and bet in situations when you otherwise wouldn't. Here are some situations you should start looking at to improve your


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