Wednesday, May 25, 2011

We have more energy assets just let us get them!....

The world is awash in oil and natural gas. Our problem is that the oil producers want to keep the supply short to keep their prices up. That's why they give so much money to the world's politicians and "Green" organisations.

That's pretty much why we used to hear so much about the "Global Warming " bullshit. Fear and uncertainty about drilling, burning and nuclear is created by these guys to prop up their balance sheets.

I still remember Dupont scaring the Be-Jesus out of the world with the "Ozone hole" going to give the Penguins a sunburn if we didn't stop using Freon, a heavier than air gas, floating up and chemically destroying the Ozone.

Why would Dupont pay for this scaremongering? Their patent expired on Freon and they had a new one to replace it with!

Shale motherlode brings world of change - Washington Times
WASHINGTON, Pa. — Earlier this year, Phillip Whalen packed his bags, left his home in Louisiana and set up shop in western Pennsylvania.

The 15-year oil and gas industry veteran said work has dried up around the Gulf of Mexico, in part because of the fallout from the BP PLC oil spill last year. In what has become a kind of reverse national oil rush, Mr. Whalen said, his motivation for heading north to this small community 20 miles south of Pittsburgh was simple.

“I’m doing what I have to do to keep a roof over the head and pay the bills,” the grizzled family man said early one morning. He was dressed in a blue jumpsuit and was smoking a last cigarette outside his hotel before heading off to work.

His company, T3 Energy Services, sent him to Washington, the economic epicenter for exploiting what many think is the nation’s path away from dangerous dependence on foreign oil.
Technicians monitor the status of a fracking drill as it descends thousands of feet below the earth's surface. Opponents say fracking contaminates the water supply with chemicals used in the process. (Andrew S. Geraci/The Washington Times)Technicians monitor the status of a fracking drill as it descends thousands of feet below the earth’s surface. Opponents say fracking contaminates the water supply with chemicals used in the process. (Andrew S. Geraci/The Washington Times)

Big energy companies have set up shop here to tap the Marcellus Shale, a massive chunk of marine sedimentary rock stretching from the Finger Lakes region of New York as far south as Kentucky and Tennessee, holding within its subterranean grip vast deposits of natural gas.

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