Sunday, May 22, 2011

Can you spell whore master?.....

Try getting past the Christian  in the south and you'll see what I mean. This guy, Gingrich, fucked around on his wife while she was dying of cancer in the hospital. How many votes do you see for this scumbag? Then he calls for a form of national health care and more Federal Spending.

Oh yea, I hear he's now a Catholic. The kiss of death in the south. LOL

Newt Gingrich: Health Care Socialist « Blog
Posted by Laurence Vance on May 16, 2011 12:56 PM

Gingrich made the case on Meet the Press yesterday, not for a free market in medical care and medical insurance, but for Gingrichcare. Interesting that back in 1993 Gingrich said he favored the federal government requiring individuals to buy health insurance and then subsidizing individuals’ purchase of health insurance on a “sliding scale” determined by their income. Now he supports requiring all individuals to buy health insurance, post a bond to pay for health care, or in some way indicate that they are going to be accountable.

Is any of this a surprise? I think Gingrich for president will turn out to be a total flop like Giuliani for president.

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