Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Circus' continue....

Oba mama is in campaign mode. Thank God he can kick off his re-election bid with Ben Ladin's assassination. We needed this sissy to kill something besides helpless brown women and children in foreign countries the average public school educated citizen in this country couldn't find on a map.

Yes, it's time to re-anoint His Highness because he changed everything the evil Bush did! er..OOPS.

Well he said he would and that's all that counts and after all he murdered Osama, didn't he? After all we all seen the body to prove it, didn't we? ah...OOPS.

Well the economy is going great guns under his watch and food and gas is cheaper with him in there, right? OOPS.

Well didn't we pull out of all those nasty countries whose citizens want us dead for invading their hovels and butt fucking their camels? Yea, OOPS.

Well didn't  he save Social Security and Veteran Benefits so the poor bastards without a nickel to their names can stay off the streets. More OOPS.

Well he did cure homelessness, blindness, hunger, global warming, bad Mexican food, saved the Titanic, stopped the grey alien invasion, told the Pope to mind his own business,  and even got Donald Trump to get a buzz cut to save us from staring at his comb back. OOPS.

Wait until you see His Highness in his next term!

Democrats and Republicans: They Just Take Turns Ripping Us Off | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog
In my worst nightmares, when the lights are swallowed by the smog of some nefarious gloom and the air itself becomes a stale sarcophagus into which I am entombed, and the grim hands of putrefied fate sink their wretched grip into the thick of my neck and all seems irrevocably lost, I merely recall that soon I will awaken to the horror of a terminal America infested by career criminals and certifiable morons, and suddenly, my off color dreams don’t seem so bad. Ultimately, there is nothing worse to me than a public majority that takes everything they hear from the mouths of political warlocks at face value. Even the fear of death is truly a pittance compared to the threat of being enveloped by a stampeding herd of frightened, stupid, human cattle.

Is this melodramatic? Not at all. When a man is aware, and by aware I mean honest with himself, he inevitably suffers the pain of being certain while the rest of the world enjoys the bliss of false assumptions. We live in a culture that inflicts great punishment on those who know, and lavishes enticing but short lived rewards on those who ignore. In such a place as this, meaning disappears, and countries die.

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