What's in it for me? The left has to convince everybody that they will be able to pay us off to cut military spending and rob the rich. Hey what's interesting is that most rich people are Democrat voters and only agree on raising taxes because they know that they wont pay for them.
You will!
Rich people who who have "taxable income" collect these taxes from their employees and customers and send them to the government. Only individuals like you and I pay taxes from wages.
Poor people only pay taxes from their purchases of goods and services and get money from the government in so called earned income tax credits and various welfare handouts so they don't murder the rich. (By the way, the rich own the government! You think they give campaign contributions out of patriotism? )
All so called income taxes come from the sale of goods and services.
In effect these so called income taxes are sales taxes.
Though politically impossible because it would destroy the a large part of the middle class consisting of government workers who push paper around and invent fuck head rules that accomplish nothing worthwhile, instituting a "National Sales Tax" would insure a huge wave of cash into the National Treasury.
You would still have income taxes because we can't have those greedy rich fuckers keeping all that money they made in legal and necessary fair transactions and not fork it over to politicians to save them from us.
The net effect is of course, we could finish conquering the world and put "American Idol" on every ones lips through out the world. We could also give everyone on the planet U.S citizenship.
Even President Obama!!!
In the meantime, it's politics as usual as the left keeps propping up the old "let's soak the rich so we can give everybody Heaven on Earth if only you would vote our way!" and the right defending the rich because it's their money and we need to keep scaring the fuck out of them to keep this great gig of politics as usual going!
Oh yea, didn't I tell you voting is a waste of time!!!
Guernica / Robert Reich: Beware the “Middle Ground” of the Great Budget Debate
You will!
Rich people who who have "taxable income" collect these taxes from their employees and customers and send them to the government. Only individuals like you and I pay taxes from wages.
Poor people only pay taxes from their purchases of goods and services and get money from the government in so called earned income tax credits and various welfare handouts so they don't murder the rich. (By the way, the rich own the government! You think they give campaign contributions out of patriotism? )
All so called income taxes come from the sale of goods and services.
In effect these so called income taxes are sales taxes.
Though politically impossible because it would destroy the a large part of the middle class consisting of government workers who push paper around and invent fuck head rules that accomplish nothing worthwhile, instituting a "National Sales Tax" would insure a huge wave of cash into the National Treasury.
You would still have income taxes because we can't have those greedy rich fuckers keeping all that money they made in legal and necessary fair transactions and not fork it over to politicians to save them from us.
The net effect is of course, we could finish conquering the world and put "American Idol" on every ones lips through out the world. We could also give everyone on the planet U.S citizenship.
Even President Obama!!!
In the meantime, it's politics as usual as the left keeps propping up the old "let's soak the rich so we can give everybody Heaven on Earth if only you would vote our way!" and the right defending the rich because it's their money and we need to keep scaring the fuck out of them to keep this great gig of politics as usual going!
Oh yea, didn't I tell you voting is a waste of time!!!
Guernica / Robert Reich: Beware the “Middle Ground” of the Great Budget Debate
If the super rich paid taxes at the same rates they did three decades ago, they’d contribute $350 billion more per year than they are now—amounting to trillions more over the next decade. That’s enough to ensure every young American is healthy and well-educated and that the nation’s infrastructure is up to world-class standards.Technorati Tags: soak the rich
Nor does the President’s proposal go nearly far enough in cutting military spending, which is not only out of control but completely unrelated to our nation’s defense needs—fancy weapons systems designed for an age of conventional warfare; hundreds of billions of dollars for the Navy and Air Force, when most of the action is with the Army, Marines, and Special Forces; and billions more for programs no one can justify and few can understand.
If Americans understood how much they’re paying for defense and how little they’re getting, they’d demand a defense budget at least 25 percent smaller than it is today.
Finally, the President’s proposed budget doesn’t deal with the scandal of the nation’s schools in poor and middle-class communities—schools whose teachers are paid under $50,000 a year, whose classrooms are crammed, that can’t afford textbooks or science labs, that have abandoned after-school programs and courses like history and art. Most school budgets depend mainly on local property taxes that continue to drop in lower-income communities. The federal government should come to their rescue.
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