Tuesday, May 31, 2011

And the beat goes on.....

Buy any politician you want as long as you pick the right candidate and you get goodies. Pretty simple. What's newsworthy here?

Want to end it?

Remove the corporate tax rate on income earned by private contributions and then tax heavily income from government subsidies. Going to happen? Sure as soon as we find Bin Ladin's body !

Federal Judge Reverses Ban on Direct Corporate Contributions - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets
A federal judge in Virginia declared on Thursday that the long-standing ban on corporations contributing directly to candidates running for federal office was unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge James Cacheris based his ruling on the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision from January 2010, which made it legal for corporations to make unlimited independent expenditures to support or oppose federal candidates. The controversial 5-4 Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United left intact a ban on direct corporate contributions to federal candidates.

Cacheris' decision struck down sections of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, also known as the McCain-Feingold Act, named after its chief sponsors Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Russ Feingold (D-Wis.).

"That logic is inescapable here... if, in Citizens United's interpretation of Bellotti, corporations and human beings are entitled to equal political speech rights, then corporations must also be able to contribute within FECA’s limits," Cacheris states in his opinion for the case, U.S. v. Danielczyk.

The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) sets caps on how much money individuals can contribute to federal candidates -- amounts that increase every election cycle. The current contribution limit is $2,500 per election, with a primary election and a general election being viewed as two separate elections.

The defendants in the case before Cacheris -- William Danielczyk, 49, and Eugene Biagi, 76, who live in Oakton, Va.-- allegedly reimbursed $30,200 to eight contributors to Hillary Clinton's 2006 Senate campaign and reimbursed $156,400 to 35 contributors to her 2008 presidential campaign from their company's treasury, the Associated Press reported.

Until Thursday's ruling, the Citizens United case had not been applied to direct contributions by corporations. Earlier this month the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals sided with a federal judge in Minnesota who upheld that state's ban on direct campaign contributions.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Most republicans are of the same mind.....

None of the bastards can cut spending and get re-elected. Bitching about it does no good. Only not voting works. Just look at the great government we got by voting! But but but....Nice try but ignoring them will work better because in order to change these people have to go the way of the Dodo bird because too many people make their living sucking off a government check.

And the system will never end if we keep giving them permission to keep the charade of democracy going by voting for it.

And yes, the system must collapse for any real reform. The criminals must be run out of town or locked up. One can only hope!

In the meantime, there can be no cuts!

 Unless we give up our Social Security, VA., Medicare,welfare, educating the gangsters in the neighbourhood, killing brown people around the world so we don't have to drill our own oil(until it becomes 400 a barrel,I guess.) Giving billions to rich corporations and organisations, spending trillions on chasing goat fuckers around worthless deserts, etc. etc.Let alone taking away  millions of government employee paychecks and let's not forget, billions of handouts to the rich who own our government!

Blaming just the Dems or the Republican for taking care of their own constituencies is politics as usual and it has always been that way and always will be!

None the less, the rate of borrowing , unsustainable any ways, will be lowered and everyone  in Washington goes back to their constituencies and brags about their part in restoring fiscal responsibility and not changing a thing.

As usual, kicking the can down the road and getting rewarded for it by keeping their jobs and prestige. No click on the jump andread the following carefully and simply substitute the opposite party in this screed and you'll see what I mean:

HURT: Democrats addicted to spending our cash - Washington Times
Republicans want to destroy Medicare and persecute the elderly, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says.

Yes, this is the same woman who for nearly a quarter-century has taken part in stealing from our Social Security account to pay for politicians’ favored welfare programs. The same woman who, as leader of the recalcitrant party for more than 12 years, could have single-handedly brought her people to the table to act like adults and solve these serious problems before they became the full-blown crisis they are now.

Of course, no one can forget the last time that Mrs. Pelosi led her people in a spaz-out worthy of a hormonal teenager.

That was when former President Bush offered a tiny little fix to Social Security. A small fraction of the Social Security taxes you pay would have been earmarked for you in an account that could not be pried open by Congress and pillaged to pay for methadone clinics, the National Endowment for the “Arts” or whatever other crazy schemes Democratic lawmakers can invent.

Friday, May 27, 2011

I think he needed this vacation....

Don't you? Oba mama's only had two or three this year. And look how great the recovery's going, right? And with the pygmies in the Republican race he looks pretty safe right now. Of course, he needs to suck up to the Jews a little more since joining the Hamas and Palistinians but what the Hell he never said he wasn't a Moslem sympathiser now did he! LOL

Obamas receive royal welcome to Britain - Washington Times
LONDON (AP) — President Obama immersed himself in the grandeur of Britain’s royal family Tuesday, as QueenElizabeth II welcomed him to Buckingham Palace for the first day of a state visit that kept the president largely out of sight for most of the British public.

There was an elaborate arrival ceremony on the steps of the palace’s West Terrace, complete with a 41-gun salute; a tour of the queen’s private gallery, where the monarch highlighted items she thought would hold personal significance to the president; and a short meeting with newlyweds Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, nee Kate Middleton.

But the pomp and pageantry happened largely behind the palace walls. Though pictures of Mr. Obama‘s visit blanketed British television, the president made no formal remarks Wednesday, except for a brief statement on the deadly tornadoes in the United States.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

oh yea,....

Didn't I tell you to buy coffee? Over the last year and and a half!

McDonalds, where Patti and I get a cup every day, is having shortages every week. Have to wait for the truck! McDonalds with out coffee? Like Obama without a vacation!

But you ain't seen nothing yet! Buy food and save a small fortune, LOL.

Smucker Boosts Coffee Prices For Fourth Time In Past Year - WSJ.com

J.M. Smucker Co. (SJM) increased the list price for most of its coffee products by an average 11%, its fourth rise in about a year.

The food company, which also makes jams, ...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

We have more energy assets just let us get them!....

The world is awash in oil and natural gas. Our problem is that the oil producers want to keep the supply short to keep their prices up. That's why they give so much money to the world's politicians and "Green" organisations.

That's pretty much why we used to hear so much about the "Global Warming " bullshit. Fear and uncertainty about drilling, burning and nuclear is created by these guys to prop up their balance sheets.

I still remember Dupont scaring the Be-Jesus out of the world with the "Ozone hole" going to give the Penguins a sunburn if we didn't stop using Freon, a heavier than air gas, floating up and chemically destroying the Ozone.

Why would Dupont pay for this scaremongering? Their patent expired on Freon and they had a new one to replace it with!

Shale motherlode brings world of change - Washington Times
WASHINGTON, Pa. — Earlier this year, Phillip Whalen packed his bags, left his home in Louisiana and set up shop in western Pennsylvania.

The 15-year oil and gas industry veteran said work has dried up around the Gulf of Mexico, in part because of the fallout from the BP PLC oil spill last year. In what has become a kind of reverse national oil rush, Mr. Whalen said, his motivation for heading north to this small community 20 miles south of Pittsburgh was simple.

“I’m doing what I have to do to keep a roof over the head and pay the bills,” the grizzled family man said early one morning. He was dressed in a blue jumpsuit and was smoking a last cigarette outside his hotel before heading off to work.

His company, T3 Energy Services, sent him to Washington, the economic epicenter for exploiting what many think is the nation’s path away from dangerous dependence on foreign oil.
Technicians monitor the status of a fracking drill as it descends thousands of feet below the earth's surface. Opponents say fracking contaminates the water supply with chemicals used in the process. (Andrew S. Geraci/The Washington Times)Technicians monitor the status of a fracking drill as it descends thousands of feet below the earth’s surface. Opponents say fracking contaminates the water supply with chemicals used in the process. (Andrew S. Geraci/The Washington Times)

Big energy companies have set up shop here to tap the Marcellus Shale, a massive chunk of marine sedimentary rock stretching from the Finger Lakes region of New York as far south as Kentucky and Tennessee, holding within its subterranean grip vast deposits of natural gas.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Obama throws Israel under the bus.....

Don't worry the Jews will still give him their money. After all, he's the only Democrat who can veto the evil Republicans cutting handouts.

Speaking of which, I'm told now that 59% of American get a check from the Feds. Still waiting for budget cuts?

 Yea, right!

Obama's speech doesn't sway some key donors - Washington Times
President Obama failed to ease mounting worries of key Jewish donors Sunday at a speech before the annual policy conference for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Steve Rosen, a former director of foreign policy for AIPAC, said, “the president’s decision to confront Israel’s prime minister in this visit is going to deepen the feeling that Obama will continue to put the U.S.-Israeli relationship in peril. Pro-Israel donors who have been on hold until now will accelerate the search for an alternative to Obama.”

Two such donors who asked not to be named said the president’s speech failed to ease concerns about the lack of trust between the governments of Israel and the United States.

“The speech presented a wonderful opportunity to correct attitudes the White House and supporters of the president believe are misperceptions,” another Jewish community leader told The Washington Times.

“The ball came right over the home plate. He swung hard, but it lined out foul,” said the donor, a prominent Jewish community leader.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The rot we know as Obama's Administration.....

Ho hum, nothing new to see here, move along! Republican or Democrat crime pays!

After approving NBC buyout, FCC Commish becomes Comcast lobbyist
Meredith Attwell Baker, one of the two Republican Commissioners at the Federal Communications Commission, plans to step down—and right into a top lobbying job at Comcast-NBC.

The news, reported this afternoon by the Wall Street Journal, The Hill, and Politico, comes after the hugely controversial merger of Comcast and NBC earlier this year. At the time, Baker objected to FCC attempts to impose conditions on the deal and argued that the "complex and significant transaction" could "bring exciting benefits to consumers that outweigh potential harms."

Four months after approving the massive transaction, Attwell Baker will take a top DC lobbying job for the new Comcast-NBC entity, according to reports.

The response of groups like Free Press was expected in its anger, but not without merit. "No wonder the public is so nauseated by business as usual in Washington—where the complete capture of government by industry barely raises any eyebrows," said Free Press' Craig Aaron. "The continuously revolving door at the FCC continues to erode any prospects for good public policy. We hope—but won't hold our breath—that her replacement will be someone who is not just greasing the way for their next industry job."

Such cash-ins, of course, are a bipartisan affair in Washington.

Attwell Baker this afternoon released a statement once the news broke, explaining that she would leave on June 3 and that she was "privileged to have had the opportunity to serve the country at a time of critical transformation in the telecommunications industry. The continued deployment of our broadband infrastructures will meaningfully impact the lives of all Americans. I am happy to have played a small part in this sucess.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Can you spell whore master?.....

Try getting past the Christian  in the south and you'll see what I mean. This guy, Gingrich, fucked around on his wife while she was dying of cancer in the hospital. How many votes do you see for this scumbag? Then he calls for a form of national health care and more Federal Spending.

Oh yea, I hear he's now a Catholic. The kiss of death in the south. LOL

Newt Gingrich: Health Care Socialist « LewRockwell.com Blog
Posted by Laurence Vance on May 16, 2011 12:56 PM

Gingrich made the case on Meet the Press yesterday, not for a free market in medical care and medical insurance, but for Gingrichcare. Interesting that back in 1993 Gingrich said he favored the federal government requiring individuals to buy health insurance and then subsidizing individuals’ purchase of health insurance on a “sliding scale” determined by their income. Now he supports requiring all individuals to buy health insurance, post a bond to pay for health care, or in some way indicate that they are going to be accountable.

Is any of this a surprise? I think Gingrich for president will turn out to be a total flop like Giuliani for president.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Can you spell whore master?.....

Try getting past the Christian fanatics in the south and see what I mean. This guy, Gingrich, fucked around on his wife while she was dying of cancer in the hospital. How many votes do you see for this scumbag? Then he calls for a form of national health care and more Federal Spending.

Oh yea, I hear he's now a Catholic. The kiss of death in the south. LOL

Newt Gingrich: Health Care Socialist « LewRockwell.com Blog
Posted by Laurence Vance on May 16, 2011 12:56 PM

Gingrich made the case on Meet the Press yesterday, not for a free market in medical care and medical insurance, but for Gingrichcare. Interesting that back in 1993 Gingrich said he favored the federal government requiring individuals to buy health insurance and then subsidizing individuals’ purchase of health insurance on a “sliding scale” determined by their income. Now he supports requiring all individuals to buy health insurance, post a bond to pay for health care, or in some way indicate that they are going to be accountable.

Is any of this a surprise? I think Gingrich for president will turn out to be a total flop like Giuliani for president.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Stupid is?.....

Just think he used to be important. Now he's a joke. Ho hum.

Giuliani Is Evil and Stupid « LewRockwell.com Blog
Giuliani Is Evil and Stupid
Posted by Laurence Vance on May 16, 2011 01:23 PM

And no, I am not exaggerating. In a recent interview, Rudy says he once told President Bush that he wanted to be the one to execute bin Laden. He went on to equate bin Laden with Hitler and Stalin. “Our intelligence ability is terrific,” says America’s mayor. Really? Our great intelligence agencies failed to prevent 9/11 and then took ten years to find bin Laden. And this guy ran for president?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

There will be no "cuts!"......

A slowing in the borrowing starting some years in the future is all. Watch the moaning and hair pulling as the frauds in office fuck us over. No politician can afford to take one dime a way from anyone and stay in office.

So we kick the can down the road. prepare yourself for the next bust. 5 years, or a couple more, then bam!!!

By the way, how's the recovery working for you? Are you better off now than 4 years ago? And which politician will make it all better? Think Oba mama can be beat by the flyweights in the Republican party?

Yea, right! They need a miracle because this guy can spend damn near a billion to get his gang re-elected.

 And it's all a matter of money now days!

oftwominds: Our Peculiar State of Suspended Animation
The U.S. is in a peculiar state of suspended animation: nothing is actually moving, we're all frozen in an extended moment of disbelief, denial and crisis, waiting for something to finally break loose.

We know the present isn't sustainable, but we go through the motions of phony "reforms" and "trimming the deficit" as if another 1,000 pages of "reforms" will fix what's broken in the economy or that trimming $50 billion from $1.7 trillion annual deficits will actually matter.

The wheels visibly fell off the bubble-debt-fraud economy four years ago in mid-2007. It's worth recalling that the U.S. won a global war (World War II) in less than four years, yet now we are pleased to borrow and and squander an extra $1 trillion a year just to keep our fragile state of suspended animation from being disrupted by unpleaseant reality.

In a nutshell, here's the reality: the entire "prosperity" of the past decade was a false prosperity, constructed entirely of money borrowed by the private sector based on the rising value of McMansions and strip-malls that made no sense except as speculations based on the Federal Reserve's credit-bubble policies and Wall Street's systemic financialization of that debt based on fraud and misrepresentation of risk.

The private sector borrowed and spent an extra $1 trillion a year in the "boom years" of the bubble decade. This debt-based stimulus vanished with the implosion of Wall Street's fraud machine (CDOs, mortgage-backed securities, etc.) and the collapse of bubble-era housing valuations.

As overleveraged households and businesses found they could no longer borrow $1 trillion extra a year to spend, then the Federal government stepped in and borrowed and spent $1 trillion a year to replace the private borrowing which had dried up.

This $1 trillion is incredibly obvious. Federal spending rose by exactly $1 trillion from 2007 to 2010, while revenues fell by $400 billion:

2007 $2.72 trillion
2010 $3.72 trillion

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Circus' continue....

Oba mama is in campaign mode. Thank God he can kick off his re-election bid with Ben Ladin's assassination. We needed this sissy to kill something besides helpless brown women and children in foreign countries the average public school educated citizen in this country couldn't find on a map.

Yes, it's time to re-anoint His Highness because he changed everything the evil Bush did! er..OOPS.

Well he said he would and that's all that counts and after all he murdered Osama, didn't he? After all we all seen the body to prove it, didn't we? ah...OOPS.

Well the economy is going great guns under his watch and food and gas is cheaper with him in there, right? OOPS.

Well didn't we pull out of all those nasty countries whose citizens want us dead for invading their hovels and butt fucking their camels? Yea, OOPS.

Well didn't  he save Social Security and Veteran Benefits so the poor bastards without a nickel to their names can stay off the streets. More OOPS.

Well he did cure homelessness, blindness, hunger, global warming, bad Mexican food, saved the Titanic, stopped the grey alien invasion, told the Pope to mind his own business,  and even got Donald Trump to get a buzz cut to save us from staring at his comb back. OOPS.

Wait until you see His Highness in his next term!

Democrats and Republicans: They Just Take Turns Ripping Us Off | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog
In my worst nightmares, when the lights are swallowed by the smog of some nefarious gloom and the air itself becomes a stale sarcophagus into which I am entombed, and the grim hands of putrefied fate sink their wretched grip into the thick of my neck and all seems irrevocably lost, I merely recall that soon I will awaken to the horror of a terminal America infested by career criminals and certifiable morons, and suddenly, my off color dreams don’t seem so bad. Ultimately, there is nothing worse to me than a public majority that takes everything they hear from the mouths of political warlocks at face value. Even the fear of death is truly a pittance compared to the threat of being enveloped by a stampeding herd of frightened, stupid, human cattle.

Is this melodramatic? Not at all. When a man is aware, and by aware I mean honest with himself, he inevitably suffers the pain of being certain while the rest of the world enjoys the bliss of false assumptions. We live in a culture that inflicts great punishment on those who know, and lavishes enticing but short lived rewards on those who ignore. In such a place as this, meaning disappears, and countries die.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Well I'm convinced....

If our dear leader said it happened this way (or maybe this way over here, no wait this is how it happened... No it really happened this way.. no wait!...) by God then it must be true because everybody knows our presidents never lie to us! That goat fucker is dead and that's all there is to it.

Of course, we've been told that every year or so for the last7 or 8 years but you know how Bush was always lying, right, and Democrat presidents never lie (except to get elected and stay in office!)

Then again, Oba mama's left wing nuts are calling him a liar, but who's going to listen to them. They voted for him and will do so again because nobody in the right mind would vote for a lying Republican president who would keep us in Afghanistan, Iraq, Gitmo, Libya, military tribunals, triple the budget deficit, controlling the borders with Mexico and give the gangsters druggies guns, not punish banksters, take over GM, universal health care for all, supposedly lying about killing Osama but refusing to release pictures and conveniently throwing him into the ocean.... need more?

P.s no one ever said these voters  aren't brain dead, did they?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

If I agree to raise taxes on the rich...

What's in it for me? The left has to convince everybody that they will be able to pay us off to cut military spending and rob the rich. Hey what's interesting is that most rich people are Democrat voters and only agree on raising taxes because they know that they wont pay for them.

You will!

Rich people who who have "taxable income" collect these taxes from their employees and customers and send them to the government. Only individuals like you and I pay taxes from wages.

Poor people only pay taxes from their purchases of goods and services and get money from the government in so called earned income tax credits and various welfare handouts so they don't murder the rich. (By the way, the rich own the government! You think they give campaign contributions out of patriotism? )

All so called income taxes come from the sale of goods and services.

In effect these so called income taxes are sales taxes. 

Though politically impossible because it would destroy the a large part of the middle class consisting of government workers who push paper around and invent fuck head rules that accomplish nothing worthwhile, instituting a "National Sales Tax" would insure a huge wave of cash into the National Treasury.

You would still have income taxes because we can't have those greedy rich fuckers keeping all that money they made in legal and necessary fair transactions and not fork it over to politicians to save them from us.

The net effect is  of course, we could finish conquering the world and put "American Idol" on every ones lips through out the world. We could also give everyone on the planet U.S citizenship.

Even President Obama!!!

In the meantime, it's politics as usual as the left keeps propping up the old "let's soak the rich so we can give everybody Heaven on Earth if only you would vote our way!" and the right defending the rich because it's their money and we need to keep scaring the fuck out of them to keep this great gig of politics as usual going!

Oh yea, didn't  I tell you voting is a waste of time!!!

Guernica / Robert Reich: Beware the “Middle Ground” of the Great Budget Debate
If the super rich paid taxes at the same rates they did three decades ago, they’d contribute $350 billion more per year than they are now—amounting to trillions more over the next decade. That’s enough to ensure every young American is healthy and well-educated and that the nation’s infrastructure is up to world-class standards.

Nor does the President’s proposal go nearly far enough in cutting military spending, which is not only out of control but completely unrelated to our nation’s defense needs—fancy weapons systems designed for an age of conventional warfare; hundreds of billions of dollars for the Navy and Air Force, when most of the action is with the Army, Marines, and Special Forces; and billions more for programs no one can justify and few can understand.

If Americans understood how much they’re paying for defense and how little they’re getting, they’d demand a defense budget at least 25 percent smaller than it is today.

Finally, the President’s proposed budget doesn’t deal with the scandal of the nation’s schools in poor and middle-class communities—schools whose teachers are paid under $50,000 a year, whose classrooms are crammed, that can’t afford textbooks or science labs, that have abandoned after-school programs and courses like history and art. Most school budgets depend mainly on local property taxes that continue to drop in lower-income communities. The federal government should come to their rescue.
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Monday, May 09, 2011

Another payday for the gang in Washington...

Kind of neat how this works, aint it?

Pakistan's Lobbyists, Dennis Kucinich's Small-Donor Money Machine and More in Capital Eye Opener: May 4 - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets
LOBBYISTS FOR PAKISTAN: What do you do when you're a foreign government facing heat from U.S. lawmakers about whether you were officially hiding, aiding or abetting Osama bin Laden? Turn to federal lobbyists for assistance, of course. "Pakistan will likely call upon Washington lobbyists to help repair its fraught U.S. relations after Osama bin Laden was found and killed in the country Sunday," The Hill reported Tuesday. The newspaper goes on to note that "Locke Lord Strategies has been lobbying for the Pakistani embassy since May 2008, earning more than $1.9 million in fees, according to Justice Department records."

Locke Lord Strategies' lobbying team is headed by Mark Siegel, a long-time Democratic operative who previously worked in the White House during Democrat Jimmy Carter's presidency. According to research by the Center for Responsive Politics, Siegel donated $1,000 to both Hillary Clinton, now the U.S. Secretary of State, during her failed 2008 presidential bid. During the 2008 election cycle, his wife, Judith Siegel, who is a consultant to the State Department and an adjunct faculty member at New York University, meanwhile, donated $3,550 to Barack Obama.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Seig Heil, baby....

This is the bullshit that crashed our banks. Extortion is a crime if you do it but the Fed's are immune. It's not profitable to make these ghetto residents loans. Nobody gives a shit if they're black, white or pink! Now the banks will have to make loans to these Oba mama supporters no matter what!

P.s you will pay for these worthless loans!
Citizens Republic Settles Detroit-Bias Claims - WSJ.com
DETROIT—Federal law-enforcement officials reached a $3.6 million settlement with Citizens Republic Bancorp over allegations that branches of its banks discriminated against Detroit's black residents by improperly favoring white residents in southeastern Michigan.

The Justice Department alleged in court papers that branches of Republic Bank and Citizens Bank, which are now owned by Citizens Republic Bancorp, "essentially provided its services in a horseshoe" around Detroit, engaging in redlining "intended to deny and discourage, or have the effect of denying or discouraging, an equal opportunity to the residents of the majority-black neighborhoods" in Detroit.

In 2007, Citizens Banking Corp. acquired Republic Bank and became Citizens Republic Bancorp. A bank company spokesman didn't immediately return a call for comment.

Citizens Republic Bancorp had total assets of $10.6 billion, with $8.1 billion in deposits, as of October of last year, according to court papers. Its largest operation is in Michigan through its Citizens Bank subsidiary, which has more than 150 branches.

Citizens Republic Bancorp currently operates nine branches within twenty miles of Detroit, but all of branches save one are located in majority-white census tracts. None are in the city limits of Detroit.

As part of a proposed settlement that still needs court approval, Citizens will invest $1.625 million in a partnership with the city of Detroit by providing existing homeowners with matching grants of up to $5,000 to fund exterior improvements. The bank also pledged to spend $1.5 million in a financing program to increase credit to majority African-American areas in Wayne County which surrounds Detroit, and to spend $500,000 for outreach to alert potential customers.

Citizens Bank will also open a loan office in a majority African-American area in Detroit and conduct fair-lending training for its employees, according to federal officials.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

All Bush's fault.....


 Except every Bush policy is being perpetuated by this so called lefty

Obama: bin Laden raid evidence Afghan strategy is working - Washington Times
President Obama capped off a week that began with him announcing the death of Osama bin Laden with a trip Friday to Fort Campbell in Kentucky to thank the Navy SEALs whose daring nighttime raid on a compound in Pakistan Sunday ended the decade-long hunt for the world’s top terrorist.

After meeting privately with the special forces’ raiding party, Mr. Obama told a broader groups of troops at the fort that the operation will go down as “one of the greatest” in American history.

“This has been a historic week in the life of our nation,” Mr. Obama said. “Thanks to the incredible skill and courage of countless individuals — intelligence, military — over many years, the terrorist leader who struck out nation on 9/11 will never threaten America again.”

Fort Campbell is home to the 101st Airborne Division, and many of its troops have recently returned from Afghanistan — a conflict Mr. Obama has invested heavily in by adding tens of thousands of troops.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Just another look at the racket....

Prices don't rise by magic or because a handful of goat herders have taken over the oil fields or when rice jockeys buy up everything with all that American money. But it does take a lot of money to influence it and when you have a global market as we do nowyou have to have the money to move materials in it. This market can and is manipulated by the big buck guys and there's nothing much governments can do about it. Hence, buying and selling causing these guys chasing a profit and bidding against each other and to Hell with you and your puny pay check or voting the bastards out!

Of course, you can always, as all politicians do, call them names as Oba mama has amply demonstrated when he railed against the oil speculators. Hey, it's good for laughs and look how well it worked out for president Nixon! 

Did Goldman Sachs Help to Create the Current Food Crisis? | Oil Price.com
In a shocking report by Frederick Kaufman that has been featured on the Foreign Policy website, the role of Goldman Sachs and its Wall Street cohort in creating the food crisis has been revealed.

Frederick uncovers the 1991 scheme where Goldman bankers lead by Gary Cohn created a derivative that tracked 24 raw minerals; including coffee, cocoa, cattle, corn, hogs, soy and wheat and how that scheme was then manipulated to raise food commodity prices.

Each element was given a calculated investment value and is now known as the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (GSCI). The GSCI has been a static commodity vehicle for the past decade while bankers focused their attention on collateralized debt (hello economic crisis) until 1999 when futures markets were deregulated. That’s when bankers started taking large positions in grains.

Following the money trail Frederick reports:

Food inflation has remained steady since July 2008 when there was $318 billion in the commodity markets - up from the $55 billion speculators dumped in the first 55 days of 2008. In 2003 commodities futures markets were only worth $13 billion. "You had people who had no clue what commodities were all about suddenly buying commodities," an analyst from the United States Department of Agriculture stated.

Between 2005 to 2008 worldwide prices of food rose 80 percent, and they’ve kept on rising. Olivier De Schutter, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, concluded that in 2008 "a significant portion of the price spike was due to the emergence of a speculative bubble."

Thursday, May 05, 2011

The government owns you!......

And big corporations own the politicians who run it. Harry Reid and many others took big bribes from the Casino industry in order to make  their competition illegal!

Why else would anybody give these scum bags "campaign contributions."

Leave the Gamblers Alone! - Stossel's Take Blog - FOXBusiness.com
Yesterday ESPN announced they will remove all poker-related programming and advertising (except for this year’s World Series of Poker).

Wimps. And the gambling industry is no better. Industry lobbyist, former senator Al D’Amato, claims “[poker] is a game of skill” and therefore should not be subjected to federal anti-gambling laws. “Regulate it, but don’t ban it,” he says.

Give me a break. The cowardice of business in standing up for free markets never ceases to amaze me.

What wimps! Why don’t they have the courage to say the government has NO business intervening in an activity between consenting adults? I’d hope the poker lobby and the leading sports network would defend the game and its players. Instead they push legal tricks or distance themselves from poker.

The feds accuse the companies of bank fraud and money laundering. The LA Times reports:

In 2006 Congress passed a law curtailing online gambling. Most of the leading sites found ways to work around the law…

Well, duh. That’s what happens when prohibitionist politicians create black markets. Alcohol prohibition created organized crime.

Why does the government ban online poker in the first place? Because busybodies like Senator John Kyl call it “the crack cocaine of gambling.” They point to a study that claims there are millions of American gambling addicts.

The study exaggerates the problem, but I acknowledge that some people can’t handle gambling. But those people get into trouble anyway – legal or illegal. Online poker players are consenting adults wagering their own money, causing little harm to anyone else. If we want to ban things because they might be addictive, then why not ban alcohol? Smoking? Sex? The stock market?

Government outlaws online gambling, yet it runs its own gambling operation: the state lotteries. And what a scam they are! States offer terrible odds. The indicted poker sites

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Glad somebody's happy....

Ever notice that the left gets really blood thirsty? If Bush had done it we would be having impeachment hearings!

Instead, everyone's yelling "next!"

I warned everybody who would listen that our government is desperate to get the public's mind off of the depression and on to something they can control and executing mass murderers has a nice ring to it!

Now wait for the lies about cutting  the budget starting in 2016 or so after the current crop of toadies are working as lobbyist and a new Congress gets on the gravy train.

Oh, did i tell you your going to pay for it!

Former Israeli Defense Minister Lauds U.S. Assassination Policy « LewRockwell.com Blog
Obama’s assassination of bin Laden sets a law-breaking precedent. Calls to assassinate Gaddafi quickly emerged after bin Laden’s killing was made known. Now Shaul Mofaz, a former Israeli Defense Minister and current head of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, says that the U.S. has adopted Israel’s already existing assassination policy.

Worse yet, he argues that Obama’s action justifies Israel’s assassinations: “Mofaz said in an interview with Israeli radio on Tuesday that Washington’s decision to kill bin Laden rather than try him in a court of law justified the former policy that Tel Aviv implemented against Palestinians that included killing Hamas and other senior Palestinian officials.” Hence, lawlessness begets specious justifications for more lawlessness. If officials of the Israeli and the U.S. governments can assassinate people, and if this is perceived or advertised as justifiable, then the officials of any nation can also instigate murders, justify them with these false rationales, and get away with murder.

One good thing about the Mofaz statement is that he sees clearly what Obama has done and says it like it is. He doesn’t sugarcoat it. It’s murder without rule of law and without trial, decided by government officials.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

See what I mean....

Voting is useless!
Do I need to remind you that I don't believe a word they say? I figured they had Osama's body but they buried it at sea!


Big Companies, Special Interests Hire Private Congressional Delegations to Lobby Government - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets
When AT&T goes forth to lobby the U.S. Congress, the company brings its own congressional delegation -- six members in all.

These politicos are no longer elected officials, but close enough: Former Sens. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and John Breaux (D-La.) represent the telecom giant, as do ex-Reps. J.C. Watts (R-Okla.), Vic Fazio (D-Calif.), Jim Davis (D-Fla.) and Michael Forbes (R-N.Y.).

And AT&T is hardly alone in tasking congressional alumni to do its corporate bidding on Capitol Hill.

In all, 43 different companies, organizations and special interest groups last year employed at least three former congressmen as registered federal lobbyists, a Center for Responsive Politics analysis indicates.

Together, they spent hundreds of millions of dollars last year lobbying the federal government on a spectrum of issues, from the highest of profile -- health care reform, financial regulatory reform -- to the comparatively obscure -- technical taxation matters, lithium-ion battery cells, digital television converter boxes.

Monday, May 02, 2011

See what I mean....

Voting is useless!

Big Companies, Special Interests Hire Private Congressional Delegations to Lobby Government - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets
When AT&T goes forth to lobby the U.S. Congress, the company brings its own congressional delegation -- six members in all.

These politicos are no longer elected officials, but close enough: Former Sens. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and John Breaux (D-La.) represent the telecom giant, as do ex-Reps. J.C. Watts (R-Okla.), Vic Fazio (D-Calif.), Jim Davis (D-Fla.) and Michael Forbes (R-N.Y.).

And AT&T is hardly alone in tasking congressional alumni to do its corporate bidding on Capitol Hill.

In all, 43 different companies, organizations and special interest groups last year employed at least three former congressmen as registered federal lobbyists, a Center for Responsive Politics analysis indicates.

Together, they spent hundreds of millions of dollars last year lobbying the federal government on a spectrum of issues, from the highest of profile -- health care reform, financial regulatory reform -- to the comparatively obscure -- technical taxation matters, lithium-ion battery cells, digital television converter boxes.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Our Jayco 5th wheel

We killed the son of a bitch!.....

Now we have to pay. Believe me a lot of Americans will die for it. I didn't think Oba mama  would be able to do it.

Of course he's Jesus, right?

Anyways, bin Laden is gone. Do you think he was that important to Al-Qaida other than as a figure head? Or maybe as a money bag?

None the less, it's pretty important to get rid of the bastard just for spite! LOL.

Another guy agrees with me....

All those trillions overseas will only come home if big business gets a tax holiday and repatriates the money back.

One way or another, the money will come home!

Wonkbook: The Fed chooses a side - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post
Big business dreams of a year with no taxes, reports Dan Eggen: “As Washington politicians grapple with how to lower the federal deficit, a coalition of powerful corporations has a seemingly tantalizing offer: Give us a big tax break, and we’ll give you $50 billion or more in fresh revenue. More than two dozen major companies and business groups -- including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and technology giants Apple, Google and Microsoft -- have joined together under the banner of the ‘Win America Campaign’ to push for a one-time tax holiday on overseas profits...The idea is to encourage U.S.-based corporations to bring back, or ‘repatriate,’ up to $1 trillion now stashed in overseas tax havens by sharply reducing standard corporate income tax rates on that money from 35 percent to perhaps 5 percent.”