Color me skeptical. You have to have credible opposition to for a sitting president to lose. And we haven't seen any yet. especially when it downs on the Republicans that budget cutting ain't happening and balancing the budget drops us into Depression as all those debts have to be paid back.
Including the new war in Libya. Let's not forget that spending money like drunken Democrats is easy in Washington as it gets them reelected. Cutting gets them called bad names.
Not to say that not drilling our vast oil reserves to protect snails and rats doesn't seem to be very bright but we're talking about religious fanatics who believe the Earth is sacred and you and I are scum for wanting to defile it.
No really!!! Just listen to them.
Pump prices may put Obama in peril - Washington Times

Including the new war in Libya. Let's not forget that spending money like drunken Democrats is easy in Washington as it gets them reelected. Cutting gets them called bad names.
Not to say that not drilling our vast oil reserves to protect snails and rats doesn't seem to be very bright but we're talking about religious fanatics who believe the Earth is sacred and you and I are scum for wanting to defile it.
No really!!! Just listen to them.
Pump prices may put Obama in peril - Washington Times
Consumers’ pain at the gas pump will likely be shared by President Obama at the polls in 2012 and could cost him a second term unless energy prices take a drastic turn for the better in the next 18 months.
“Energy prices should be the Achilles’ heel for Obama,” said Scott Wheeler, executive director of a conservative political action committee.
The average gasoline pump price across the country is $3.621 per gallon, the Energy Information Administration reported. Prices in some parts of the country are already topping $4 a gallon.
And the uncertain global situation isn’t helping.
“Unrest in the Middle East and Japan’s loss of nuclear-powered electricity add pressure to oil prices that were already growing along with the world economy,” Heritage Foundation energy economist David W. Kreutzer told The Washington Times. “While the U.S. only generates 1 percent of its electricity from oil, Japan uses 9 percent and will need more to fuel standby generators and to replace lost nuclear production.”
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