Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do you blame the politicians?....

They need guns in California because a whole lot of whoop ass is coming. Nothing is working in California as far as I can see and as soon as the Republicans in Washington turn off the free money to the state the sooner these clowns have to pay their bills from all that nutty overspending.

But the Republicans are famous for lying about cuts so they can get more money to use propping up dictators in various countries who hate our guts and want us dead. But not to worry the Dems only need an excuse for their voters to join them!

How's those gas prices coming along in your neck of the woods?

Told you so!!!

Usually whining about the evil Republicans and there's nothing we can do about it works to keep them in office. let's not forget that most of them are simple little fascist and will say anything to get elected and stay elected.

EDITORIAL: Guns for us, not for you - Washington Times
Some of the most far-out anti-gun laws are found on the left coast, but that could change - for privileged politicians. A California state Senate committee will consider a bill next week that grants legislators permission to carry concealed firearms. The measure highlights the growing rift between the bureaucratic class and taxpayers who don’t have the luxury of exempting themselves from bad laws.

Ordinary Californians who want a concealed carry permit need to apply to the local sheriff. In practice - outside of conservative, rural counties - only celebrities and the well-connected end up obtaining the coveted document. In a state of nearly 37 million, about 40,000 permits were issued in 2007. The proposal being offered by a pair of pro-gun state Senate Democrats would automatically define as eligible for a permit “any applicant who is a member of Congress, a statewide elected official or a Member of the Legislature.” These could carry a gun “for purposes of protection or self-defense.” Coddled lawmakers living in gated communities may think they face heightened risk, but it’s unlikely poor residents in sketchy urban neighborhoods have any less of a need.

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