Wednesday, March 23, 2011

And you thought the left was peacefull!...

Oba mama is a war monger! LOL. Don't tell the nut jobs on the political left. They still think he's one of them!

Personally, I think we should have killed that bastard Qaddafi a long time ago instead of bribing him.  But what do I know. The empire has always been dicking around with their pet dictators and throwing them overboard when the going gets rough. Trust me, the gang in charge in Washington couldn't run a shit house let alone a war!

How many has Oba mama got going now?

What's interesting is listening to the politicians and suck holes in MEDIA blaming Bush for getting us into this mess.

No, really!

EDITORIAL: Obama's illegal war - Washington Times
“Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter.” Chapter VII of the charter, which enumerates U.N. intervention powers, applies only to international breaches of the peace. The December 1981 U.N. “Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States” reaffirmed this principle with its solemn declaration that, “No State or group of States has the right to intervene or interfere in any form or for any reason whatsoever in the internal and external affairs of other States.”

Five Security Council member states sat out the vote, including permanent members Russia and China, in addition to Germany, India and Brazil. China in particular objected to any action that would compromise Libya’s sovereignty, but did not veto the resolution. This may have been a political move, since the abstaining countries are now in a position to raise principled objections to whatever happens once force is utilized. To claim the United States forged an international consensus seems premature when Resolution 1973 did not have the support of countries representing 42 percent of the world’s population.

True to its internationalist instincts, the Obama administration would never contemplate an action that lacked U.N. approval, yet United Nations permission alone is inadequate. Sen. Richard Lugar, Indiana Republican, believes that the Congress should debate a declaration of war over intervening in Libya. But the White House has not sought even the type of congressional authorization for the use of force that President George W. Bush did before the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. It would be ironic to say the least if Mr. Obama waged war with less legal backing than his predecessor.

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