Why bank with gangsters? Use your credit union. Pay your bills electronically. I use Walmart money orders, haven't bounced one yet. And with a debit card or credit card that's all you need.
Besides if you get ripped off you deserve it for being an idiot.
The Coming Depression: Banks Ripped The Public Off For 38 Billion: Its Allowed
Besides if you get ripped off you deserve it for being an idiot.
The Coming Depression: Banks Ripped The Public Off For 38 Billion: Its Allowed
One of the most pernicious of these predatory practices is the overdraft fee. It's one of the biggest revenue streams for banking behemoths today. In 2009, banks reaped over $38 billion in overdraft fees from their own customers, while posting a total combined profit of just $12.5 billion. Without overdrafts, many banks would have scored massive losses last year, and possibly gone under. Instead, they booked epic bonuses.
It can come as a huge shock to get hit with a rash of overdraft fees. You open a bank statement to find that you are not only broke, but deep in the hole thanks to several $30 or $40 charges. Your first reaction is shame. How could I have let this happen? But looking into the ways that banks conduct their overdrafts, you come to realize that you've simply been scammed.
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