Saturday, July 17, 2010

What's senator Clinton doing?.....

Buying mansions, of course. Wouldn't want her to suffer.

Feeling crunch of a high jobless rate : Home: The Buffalo News
The day Erin Mahoney-Lamb found out her job as a paralegal had been eliminated, the news came that her husband's extended unemployment benefits were being cut off.

"Our whole world just kind of crumbled in a matter of 24 hours," said the Town of Tonawanda mother of two. "We had already cut everything down and were being very careful with money. It was like, "Oh, no. What do we do?'"

Early last month, 9,300 laid-off Western New Yorkers found their federal unemployment benefits abruptly cut off after Congress adjourned without approving an extension. A temporary measure to extend emergency unemployment benefits to the jobless — beyond the typical 26 weeks and up to 99 weeks — expired June 2. Efforts to reinstate the benefits stalled when Senate Republicans blocked a bill to continue the payments.

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