Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Black Republican

I like the way this guy thinks:

The Black Republican: "Become famous, gain 100 IQ points...

It seems that Global Meteorologic expert Barbara Streisand (What, you thought she was just a singer and a mediocre actress?) has some dire warnings about the effect Global Warming is having on global weather patterns.

Ms. Streisand, who earned her PhD Masters Bachelors Associates Degree Certification... something (TBA - I'm still sifting the Internet for that information) in Meteorology from Harvard Yale Princeton Stanford Berkeley San Francisco Community College University of Phoenix Online The National School of Meteorology well somewhere (I'm still looking for that information too, but I was sure that last one was it!), is warning the world...

We are in a global warming emergency state and these storms are going to become more frequent, more intense, there could be more droughts, dust bowls, you know it's amazing to hear these facts...

This is quite shocking stuff, specially coming from such a well known and highly regarded expert in the field of Global Meteorology. George Bush should quit ignoring the advice of such highly educated and experienced experts!

And in a related story, the nation's leading authority on Foreign Affairs and Military Strategy also has some advice for the President. I would suggest that unless the President listens to this sage advice from one of the worlds leading Foreign Policy experts, then he's likely to lose the 2008 Presidential election to this man."

Technorati :

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