Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Bill Bennett under attack

Bill Bennett said that if you abort all black babies you cure the crime problem in the black community. DUH.. You abort all babies you cure all problems in society in our life times. How about Moslem kids? Now there's a program. Bennett, Republican becomes a racist and must be punished for racism. This stupidity just reinforces my pet theory (been paranoid for ever of course) commented upon by Noam Chomski:

The rich and the powerful convey the illusion of a truly democratic society in which we are granted certain inalienable rights, but our very thought processes and opinions are channeled and shaped by propaganda so that we do not challenge the real control by the corporate elite and their government appointees.

Poker has improved. Kicked ass this morning. Have to do an inventory this morning which means tear apart the truck and reorder (reorder means "made money" a good thing)

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