Wall Street is bound and determined to get their hands on your money…like your home equity…how did that work out for you?
I found this on Townhall about minorities not getting their checks from Social Security and had to comment:
All we have to do is give our Social Security money to the guys on Wall Street and everything will be wonderful.....yeah, right!
System has been running surpluses for 60 years and no stopping it unless you vote to give your money away. I've heard the same thing for 40 years or so and, as usual, like global warming, coming ice age, we will all starve to death by 1975, aids will kill us all, the Martians are coming, the Commies will nuke us into the stone age, the Vietnamese are going to invade New York in their Sampans, we will be out of oil and all die by the year 2000( if the y2k bug doesn't do us in first) blah blah blah...nonsense piled on top of nonsense...
An economy of 17 trillion dollars (that we can count because trillions are underground) going broke and not not paying it's bills is silly fear mongering....
Worried about Social Security....have everybody pay into for all their income and we can increase benefits!!!!
But, go ahead and vote for politicians who preach steal from the poor and you will be out of power for the rest of your lives....ask the Libertarians ....
Molon Labe....
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