Wednesday, December 18, 2013

You Can’t make this Stuff Up…

MIAMI (Reuters) - A Florida man walked into a convenience store with a live alligator and tried to trade it for a 12-pack of beer, according to wildlife authorities who cited him with illegally capturing the animal…..

It was unclear why the man thought the clerk at the Santa Ana Market in Miami would accept the 4-foot (1.2-meter) reptile as payment, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission spokesman Jorge Pino said on Tuesday.  West Central Tribune

Isn’t clear….why would anyone be surprised?  This is America!

Also a Zimmerman painting, ( yes the only Hispanic guy to shoot a black wearing a hood pissing off the KKK) was auctioned off at 100 grand.

In the meantime, me & Muffin are bundled up down here as we got frost this morning. Temperature, at 8:45 a.m. is 37 degrees. But, it will be in the 70’s again so I’m not ready to bail until after Xmas.

Merry Xmas here means green grass and no parking as the terrible economy generates billions in sales, jobs, and hysteria. Hate to see it when  we have a good economy….

Wait, I predicted the boom a year ago and just forgot what it looked like. But, not to worry, the next bust will be a corker….LOL.

Also, my daughter, Tracy, asked me what I wanted for Xmas… have your mother back, of course….

Molon Labe….

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