Simply a lesson to the right. Lukewarm support for the Republican nominee guarantees defeat. You vote for the most pure in the primary but in the general you have to rally for the best person for the job..
This is how Christie wins the nomination....conservatives beat each other up, keep splitting the primary vote ,run out of money, and get run over by big money Republican elites buying and aiding the media is promoting the weakest candidate against Hillary because we are so pissed at getting our "pure" candidate whacked...
Here's the thing....McAuliffe is Hillary's right hand man. This is only the beginning as she lines up her network for 2016....Why" Because she is an historical figure. The first woman president ....And If she wins the presidency she becomes the left's Maggie Thatcher and crushes the Republicans in 2018, 2020.
Conservatives and Republicans have no choice but quit bickering over who is more pure and pick a candidate they can each support...and right now Christie is leading the polls against Hillary and his fellow Republicans. Whine all you want but Romney's debacle proves my point.
Even this libertarian has seen the light and Hillary is much more radical than the criminal she married.....And if we have to hold our nose and vote for the lesser of two evils we do...
Oh yea, watch Christie become a born again right winger. However, with a Congress to keep him straight not a major problem to keep the lid on the ever growing Federal government sucking the life blood out of free men...
Molon Labe...
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