5050 miles... by the way, I fly out for Idaho Thursday morning.
In the meantime, it seems every body in the media wants the Tea Party to "evolve" and leave the serious politics to the experts in Washington because balancing the budget means raising some poor bastards taxes and cutting their hard earned benefits.
We must not forget that are money is only ours until these fuckers want it!
Click and read this below and check out my comment under Gary Causer:
TAUBE: Tea Party must accept partial blame for Romney defeat - Washington Times
The Tea Party’s future could be very bright. Supporters probably will continue to exert some influence at the grass-roots level but won’t be as strong as before. They still can play a role in determining how the GOP should move forward, either by reforming the party, choosing a real conservative or a Beltway candidate for 2016, and leading discussions of fiscal versus social conservatism. The Tea Party even could act as the tugboat pushing the good ship GOP to calmer — and better — political waters. This will happen only if the Tea Party, much like the GOP, is willing to evolve with the times. Michael
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