Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Need to see more?

As long as these guys get free money from the state they can do this shit. You can't tell me the universities can't find competent help without raising the salaries 100,000 bucks more  a year? Of course, most of the money comes from the state raising taxes and cutting services to the working stiff. But as long as these suckers keep living there they have no one to blame but themselves.

State bankruptcies are easily explained... They are either run by morons or a criminal conspiracy!

College presidents' paychecks raise brows -
Literally moments after the system's Board of Trustees announced that it was going to increase next fall's tuition by 12 percent, an additional $294 a semester, the board turned around and approved a salary of $400,000 for the new president of San Diego State, Elliot Hirshman -- $350,000 in state funds and $50,000 from the campus's foundation -- a bump of more than $100,000 from what his predecessor made last year. "There's never a good time to raise presidents' pay," said Michael Uhlenkamp, a spokesman for the Cal State system. "But when there are immediate needs, whether taboo or not, we have to fill them."

The question of whether it's appropriate for higher education administrators to be making very large salaries (often in the hundreds of thousands of dollars) is highly contentious, with vocal advocates on each side of the issue. 

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