Thursday, June 09, 2011

Need more evidence of the rot.....

Here's a Republican joining a company that has supported the Democrats for years. Of course, these guys are instrumental in the '08 meltdown.

Coincidence that they got away with it and were bailed out? Yea, right! If you were to check most of the gang in Congress owns stock and gets bribe money from the very gangsters who got us into this mess.

Gregg Goes to Wall Street, Fantasy Sports Tackle Lobbying and More in Capital Eye Opener: June 1 - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets
JUDD GREGG JOINS GOLDMAN SACHS: Former Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) is joining Wall Street giant Goldman Sachs, reports Politico's Chris Frates. The New Hampshire Republican, who retired in November after 18 years in the Senate, joins the prestigious -- and politically powerful -- firm as one of the firm's 17 international advisers.

The post is the second in which Gregg, a former member of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, will bring his extensive experience with the intersection between banking issues, politics and policy to the private sector. It was first announced last month that Gregg would be join InterContinentalExchange Inc, an American finance company that operates a commodity-based online marketplace, as a member of the board of directors.

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