I've been posting about high food prices coming now for 2 years or so as I work in a Walmart super center and see the price increases first hand. Don't forget that many products are in smaller size containers and remain at or are a few cents lower than their price from a year ago. Just check your price per ounce and you'll see.
Diesel and gas will be up big time over the next few months and the Middle East continues to riot. Everything you eat is connected from a long thin line of trucks crisscrossing the country. I know because I drove vegetables from L.A. to Boston when I was a truck driver. And since no one works for free higher fuel costs are passed on to you.
You've been warned!
Do you think prices are down for commodities since I started warning to buy food? The farther we get from our food the more vulnerable we become. Check your cupboards. Imagine if every one ran down to the store and bought everything on the shelves over the next couple of hours.
Could you eat for a week? Remember one thing. Your grocery shelves hold one day or so of consumables....bread, milk, meat, cheese, etc. under a "normal" shopping day. Staples...canned vegetables, cereal, flour, sugar,etc. will last about 3 or 4 days.
Now, how's that cupboard look. Once price rocket up see any thing you might need? You and 20 thousand or so neighbors see?
Watch out for flying elbows. People have been stomped to death at Walmart during Black Friday stampedes, for Christ's sake, let alone when their bellies are empty. You think your little piece of big city heaven will be immune? Or Oba mama will send in the National Guard to save your Twinkies from the hordes of desperate food stamp recipients?
Can't happen here? Fuck but you are stupid!!!
If we look back at the fall of empires, usually a slow, slow process, they lose their means to feed themselves. leading to riot and insecurity. No one trust the government which becomes tools of the wealthy to protect the national wealth. Food supplies and money fall into the hands of a few corporate interest and they call the tune.
Never fails as history repeatedly point out.. But that doesn't mean the good old USA is going to leave the scene for many years as the world's most successful empire. It's just that we'll need permission to fart from the gangs in charge.
Think flying is a pain now? Wait until fuel rationing.
P. S buy oil stocks!
Diesel and gas will be up big time over the next few months and the Middle East continues to riot. Everything you eat is connected from a long thin line of trucks crisscrossing the country. I know because I drove vegetables from L.A. to Boston when I was a truck driver. And since no one works for free higher fuel costs are passed on to you.
You've been warned!
Do you think prices are down for commodities since I started warning to buy food? The farther we get from our food the more vulnerable we become. Check your cupboards. Imagine if every one ran down to the store and bought everything on the shelves over the next couple of hours.
Could you eat for a week? Remember one thing. Your grocery shelves hold one day or so of consumables....bread, milk, meat, cheese, etc. under a "normal" shopping day. Staples...canned vegetables, cereal, flour, sugar,etc. will last about 3 or 4 days.
Now, how's that cupboard look. Once price rocket up see any thing you might need? You and 20 thousand or so neighbors see?
Watch out for flying elbows. People have been stomped to death at Walmart during Black Friday stampedes, for Christ's sake, let alone when their bellies are empty. You think your little piece of big city heaven will be immune? Or Oba mama will send in the National Guard to save your Twinkies from the hordes of desperate food stamp recipients?
Can't happen here? Fuck but you are stupid!!!
If we look back at the fall of empires, usually a slow, slow process, they lose their means to feed themselves. leading to riot and insecurity. No one trust the government which becomes tools of the wealthy to protect the national wealth. Food supplies and money fall into the hands of a few corporate interest and they call the tune.
Never fails as history repeatedly point out.. But that doesn't mean the good old USA is going to leave the scene for many years as the world's most successful empire. It's just that we'll need permission to fart from the gangs in charge.
Think flying is a pain now? Wait until fuel rationing.
P. S buy oil stocks!
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