Boom and bust know no cure. better figure a way to survive the next 5 to 10 years. A couple of trillion in printing press money comes home and bites us in the ass. Then we bust even worse than 2008.
Under a fiat system the "connected" make out just fine. They get their hands on the money and great jobs first. By manipulating the system they stay on top. Savers and retirees get it in the ass.
Expect borrowing binge to redevelop as the printing press money comes home after taxes are lowered for the gangsters who got us in this mess.
Oh yeah, did you notice that the scummy politicians who got us into this mess, Pelosi, Reid, Bonier, McConnell,Frank, and even Rangel and Waters are still there?
Pretty convenient don't you think?
Is a Balanced-Budget Amendment Desirable? « Blog
Under a fiat system the "connected" make out just fine. They get their hands on the money and great jobs first. By manipulating the system they stay on top. Savers and retirees get it in the ass.
Expect borrowing binge to redevelop as the printing press money comes home after taxes are lowered for the gangsters who got us in this mess.
Oh yeah, did you notice that the scummy politicians who got us into this mess, Pelosi, Reid, Bonier, McConnell,Frank, and even Rangel and Waters are still there?
Pretty convenient don't you think?
Is a Balanced-Budget Amendment Desirable? « Blog
Actually, it’s just Republican eyewash, since the federal government does massive “off-budget spending.” That is, the official deficit is always far smaller than the increase in the national debt. I do not believe there is any political solution to what the evil entity in DC has foisted on us, nor am I fan of process reform in general, but here is one idea that, if it could ever be enacted by some fairy godmother, would make sense: freeze the national debt. But even that wouldn’t cure our ills. We need to follow Ron Paul’s advice and end the wars and the empire. That is step one to fiscal and moral sanity.
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