Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm bleeding this time of the month.....

So women go buy something? What are they trying to say? Keep women out of the stores every 28 days?

LOL. Now I remember why I don't read the Times very often!

Opinion - Freakonomics Blog -
Recent research on willpower suggests that it’s a limited resource that can be depleted. Now there’s evidence that something else affects willpower: women’s menstrual cycles. A new study by Karen Pine and Ben Fletcher finds that the further a woman is in her cycle, the more likely she is to make “impulsive purchases.” Pine and Fletcher believe their results are linked to the resource depletion theory of willpower: “We suggest that, in common with other cognitive competencies, the resources that govern spending may also be menstrual-cycle sensitive, and our data reflect women’s lower self-regulatory resources during the luteal (pre-menstrual) phase.” (HT: Nathan Yang) (31)

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