Friday, September 24, 2010

Makes me glad I don't live in Miami.....

City can't pay it's bloated budget so they raise taxes and give their employees a raise. Do you really wonder why the tea party is gunning for tax and spenders?

Good thing they don't start using real guns, right?

Daily Digest 9/24 - Surviving And Resilience, More On China-Japan Rare Earth Export Ban, Man Without Mortgage Loses Home - Blogs at Chris Martenson
"The $7.3 billion budget for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 calls for hiking property tax rates 14 percent to offset the drastic plunge in property values and increases in various county fees. County parks will get new parking fees. Water bills will go up, too. To make ends meet, the county is also tapping reserves.

The moves enable Miami-Dade to plug a $444 million budget gap that stemmed from the lower property tax values and a drop in other revenue, such as gasoline and sales taxes. It also provides pay raises for most county employees."

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