Monday, May 03, 2010

Banks r us.......

The government controls virtually all home loans. It also controls the auto industry. soon it will completely control Wall Street.

Or is it the other way around?  Gangsters r us, hmm?

Jim’s Mailbox : Welcome To Jim Sinclair's MineSet
The Federal Reserve creates as many billions of dollars as it wants with the stroke of a key. Next, it loans those billions of dollars to U.S. Banks at a rate of close to zero percent interest. U.S. Banks then take the billions of dollars they have borrowed from the Federal Reserve and purchase U.S. Treasuries, earning a margin of three percent or more interest.

Banks understandably prefer earning money this way to making actual loans to U.S. businesses and individuals. As noted in the Bloomberg article, “The risk of owning Treasures is lower than creating loans.”

This is an out-and-out monetization of U.S. debt. The government could literally do this to infinity. The only thing holding it back would be coming up with the interest payments; however, those, too, could be monetized to infinity.

It also amounts to an enormous subsidy of the banking industry that was never authorized by the legislature. In exchange for nothing more than executing a couple of keystrokes, U.S. banks earn a margin of three percent or more interest on however much money the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve see fit to create.

Next, as explained in the Wall Street Journal article, “U.S. Role in Mortgage Market Grows Even Larger,” we see that the U.S. government has been forced to take over the lending operations that U.S. banks now find undesirable. As a result, we learn that the U.S. government’s “share” of the U.S. mortgage market has grown to 96.5%.

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