Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bring in the tanks.......

heh heh. These guys are a little premature on cutting back the Fed's power. Most get more fed money than their broke dick citizens pay in to Obamama's little socialist fantasy.

I have a feeling the courts will tell them to grow up.

Besides, you can't have a revolt when it means getting off your ass and doing something real: like stick a gun  somebodies face.

Or quit paying taxes period!
Western states want reins on federal power - Los Angeles Times

It is difficult to say how the Supreme Court might rule on Montana's gun law, which challenges the government's authority under the commerce clause of the Constitution, the legal basis for much federal regulation.

In the mid-1990s, the court struck down a federal law that sought to restrict guns near schools, using the rationale behind Montana's law: that the federal authority over interstate commerce did not extend to a product that was made and used within one state.

More recently, however, the justices rejected a direct challenge to the commerce clause, ruling in 2005 that the federal government had the authority to effectively override California's medical marijuana law, even though the cannabis was being grown and used within the state's borders.

"As an abstract legal matter, it's perfectly plausible," Eugene Volokh, a UCLA expert on constitutional law, said of Montana's case. "But it's very unlikely to succeed in today's legal climate."

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