Monday, May 04, 2009

More growth is the ticket......

Yea, right. Better get busy.

Give everybody a check, stand back, and pray.

How about quit worshiping "growth" and learn to live within our means?

Not good for the gangs who run our world don't you think?

Only 1 way out of big economic hole - MSN Money - Jubak's Journal

Check 'em off. President Obama's first 100 days: done.

Now get ready for the hard part: the next 1,000 or so days.

That's about how long the United States and the rest of the world have to turn the anemic economic growth that now seems likely into the kind of strong economic growth we need to pay down the huge pile of debt we've created in our efforts to stave off a global financial meltdown.

Without growth higher than is now projected, the burdens of this crisis will linger for a generation in the form of lower living standards and higher interest rates, taxes and inflation. And, unfortunately, the world's economic experts know even less about creating stronger growth -- without creating a bubble -- than they do about fixing a global credit crunch and a deep recession.
Projections don't look good
It's not that stopping the global financial crisis was easy.

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