Monday, March 30, 2009

All Hail O California.....


Californians actually dumped a worthless Grey Davis for "Arnie".

Why? Blog: "Then they came for the black-painted cars..."

Just when you thought it was safe to drive in the People's Republic of California--as long as your car isn't painted black, here's the latest "innovation" for "saving the planet" that is beginning to gain traction (pun intended) in our "most progressive" state: mandatory checking of tire pressure by auto repair shops every time a customer brings his car in for maintenance.

"An issue that briefly brought President Barack Obama ridicule on the campaign trail last year is gaining traction in California, where air regulators are seeking to mandate proper tire inflation as a way to reduce fuel consumption.

The state Air Resources Board on Thursday adopted a resolution requiring auto repair shops to check tire pressure every time drivers bring in their vehicle for maintenance, oil changes and smog tests. The next step is to develop detailed rules to implement the mandate, which will take effect in July 2010.

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